
Peter is a also member of the Paranormal Paranoids with Riley, David, and Laura. He was the one to want the double P sound and pushed for Paranormal Paranoids to be the name of the group.
Peter Analysis
Peter like the rest of the group is from Ohio.
He is very focused on the financial and fame aspects of having a Youtube channel. He thinks they can make fame and money from the Paranormal Paranoids. Peter is frequently seen pushing Riley frequently to continue with the series even though she is uncomfortable.
He has a kind of annoying ‘frat boy’ kind of attitude in a lot of spots even though he is seen doing some pretty geeky things. He runs over to the mud puddle and get’s his shoes stuck trying to show off. Peter rubs many people the wrong way as he does not seem to care very much about his friend Riley’s concerns or feelings and would rather just focus on the possible someday Youtube profits.
When they leave the school episode after being frightened, he accuses David of “setting the whole thing up”. This would kind of imply he was pretty shocked about the experience and not involved. Or he could just be doing that to put you off his trail of being a “bad guy”.
Peter is seen in many videos, behind only Riley. He is frequently the one interviewing Riley or talking to her. Why he is “interviewing” her and filming it, is also not really explained. This happens in at least 3 different clips. Usually, when Riley notices the filming happening it immediately is stopped.
Peter’s Last Name
Thanks to a local Ohio resident @RbrtHlms – we know that Peter’s last name is Bailey. Peter Bailey.
The meaning of the name Peter
Like we have done for all the other members of the Paranormal Paranoids, Peter will be the next name we explore to look for clues.
Peter is also a pretty common boy’s name, but not as much as David or Robert. It ranks in the top 250 names for men.
Peter means Stone or Rock.
It is possible that this is Peter’s role in the group. If only he just showed a little bit more concern for Riley we wouldn’t think he is some low-life trying to make a buck on Youtube.
Thoughts on Peter Bailey
We get to see a lot more screen time with Peter than David or Laura. He seems pretty convinced that the Paranormal Paranoids can make them rich and famous. Several times Riley is seen expressing concern and Peter just plows through it and pushes her to continue the series. He frequently mentions money around the series so it clearly isn’t just a fun hobby for him. He wants to make money and fame from the experience. This is why many people feel that Peter is somehow involved in Riley’s Last Message attack.
Overall Peter seems very excited and passionate about the Youtube Channel. He is excited and happy and high-fives with David when they experience some truly terrifying experiences in the school episode. He does seem scared in a few spots though. It is hard to tell Peter’s intentions when he constantly ignores each time Riley brings up a concern and replaces it with very manipulative behaviors like trying to tell her she “owes it to humanity” or “what else are you going to be doing?”.
We need more stories from Peter to see what is really going on here. Is he just excited about the shows, the events that are happening, and the possibility of fame and wealth or does he have serious sinister motives like are expressed in many of the various theories about him selling Riley out?