
Laura is a member of the Paranormal Paranoids with Riley, David, and Peter. She is friends with Riley and David and after they started the group she wanted to join in as well.
Laura Analysis
Like the other group members, she is from Ohio. We really don’t know too much about Laura at this time. We do not see any videos of Laura and Riley talking like we do of the many Peter and Riley videos. She kind of seems like she is just along for the ride. She hasn’t been the main focus of any episode so far, and she hardly speaks any lines in the episodes she is in.
The most notable Laura moments are in the school episode where she tells Laura not to run off by herself. She also tells David to stop filming at the end of the clip when she can see that Riley is pretty upset about the experience.
In that same episode, she has a moment where the initial door slams and startles everyone. Peter dares her to go inside and she says Yeah right. This shows us again she is a calm, logical person who isn’t bowing to peer pressure and is not afraid to speak her mind.
Laura’s Last Name
Thanks to a local Ohio resident @RbrtHlms – we know that Laura’s last name is Tucker. Laura Tucker.
Meaning of the name Laura
Like we have done for all the other members of the Paranormal Paranoids Laura will be the next name we explore to look for clues.
Laura is a popular girl’s name. It is among the top 50 names for girls in the 20th century. It bounced back a bit in the 80s but it remains popular around the world.
Laura is named after “bay laurel” which means Victory or Strength.
All the meanings of the Paranormal Paranoids names are very interesting and Laura is no exception. She seems to have a strong will and has no problem telling other people her opinions.
Thoughts on Laura Tucker
It is pretty hard to give an opinion on Laura Tucker. As mentioned, she is in fewer videos than the other members, and overall we don’t hear her say a lot of things. In the school episode, we see that she is “not going in there” when it is suggested by Peter, which means she definitely is spooked out a bit by these paranormal things. In that same episode, we also hear her tell David to stop filming at the end when she sees that Riley is upset. She also yells after Riley to “not run off alone” just before they see the creature at the school.
All of these experiences sound like Laura is “one of the good guys” and has Riley’s back. She is looking out for her. She is not seen commenting on the show, popularity, or money so we have no idea how she might feel about those things, but it seems she is not like Peter and pushing her to do it.
She might just be along for the ride and some crazy and spooky experiences. Many people believe there is a lot more to Laura than meets the eye. Perhaps she is Noir and trying to get the information out about the group? Perhaps she just got caught up with the rest of the guys in a horrible evil mystery. There is currently no way to know. We hope to see more of Laura and her interactions with the other members soon so that we can get a better idea of exactly what is going on with Laura.