Jess the paranoid is the original searcher for the Paranormal Paranoids. She followed the Paranormal Paranoids when she was young and remembered them recently. She posted old CD videos of “The Paranormal Paranoids” she recently found on old CDs. She also posts the videos that she received from Noir and recovered episodes on her YouTube Channel.
She uses Dana Scully from the X-files for her profile photo.
She is a fan of the horror genre.
Jess normally stays off of the grid.
We do not know much about Jess at this point in time.
We don’t really know too much about Jess the Paranoid. We don’t even know if Jess is her real name. Jess is the person who brought the Paranormal Paranoids to our attention. She began tweeting on May 19, 2021.
Here she tells us that she normally stays off the grid, is using a VPN, and is new to social media and Twitter.
She continues and tells us that she wanted to see if anyone remembers the Paranormal Paranoids a Youtube group from 2005-2008.
And then the mystery of the Paranormal Paranoids starts.
Jess continues posting various things she remembers, learns, or finds on the old CDs. She also is repeatedly harassed by Noir on Twitter. He taunts her, teases her, and is constantly sending her images, videos, and little tidbits of information about the Paranormal Paranoids.
She expresses concern about Noir several times and does not seem to know who they are.
What does the name Jessica mean?
Like we have done with all the other characters of the Paranormal Paranoids…. Let us explore the name Jessica. Jessica actually was created by Shakespeare! He used the name in the Merchant of Venice. It was a very popular female name in the USA from 1981- 1998. Jess and Jessie are common nicknames of Jessica.
The meaning of Jessica is generally believed to be “foresighted” or… “to see before”… Again! All these names have some pretty eerie accurate names for the characters they are describing!! 🙂
Strangeling – the one where she accidentally summons something by reading out of a spell book. (Perhaps this is what happens with the strange creature stalking them?)
Shelter – Mad veterinarian has been turning people into dogs since she doesn’t like people, in the end she gets tricked by Fi and is turned into a dog herself but seems happy with it. (Reference to Dog Man theory or maybe some kind of transformation that takes place)
Web Sight – Fi starts getting mysterious emails about stuff that happens in the future and it’s revealed her Mom has beef with a local critic from years before. There is also a part where she gets audio clips and videos from this mysterious source only to have them removed when she tries to tell people. It’s left ambiguous on who or what was sending the emails but at the end it assures Fi that she can change anything in reference to her asking if she can change the future. (Reference to Noir?)
Family Reunion – the pilot about exploring the Eastland Disaster. Fi encounters a ghost of a young boy who she thinks was a victim of the Chicago Fire but it turns out he was one of the unidentified dead in the Eastland Disaster. (Reference to the Paranormal Paranoids or mistaken identities?)
Escape – is about a girl who can astral project in real life while dreaming usually when she’s stressed out. (Riely’s weird dreams?)
It should be noted again, that we don’t really know anything about Jess. She brought everything to our attention about the Paranormal Paranoids, but is she telling the truth? Was she just a fan?
The last update of Jess is that she is heading to Ohio to meet the filmmakers, but she will be doing her own independent investigation. We can hope that means more juicy stories to come! So far it has been quite some time with no update from Jess, so that isn’t so great. Soon?
About This Site
Not too long ago we fell into the mystery of The Paranormal Paranoids. We wanted to create a central spot to get together with other fans to organize information and theories.
*This site is not a character or affiliated officially in any way with the series. We are simply fans.*