
David is also from Ohio. He is friends with Riley, Peter, and Laura. He decided with Riley to create the Paranormal Paranoids YouTube Channel based on the discussion in PARANORMAL PARANOIDS VLOG – Q&A W/ RILEY
Paranormal Paranoids David is the Camera guy or cinematographer. David is seen frequently focusing the camera on Riley more than the others. Many people feel this is creepy. Others think that he is just focusing on the ‘star’ of the show.
David is also shy and prefers to be behind the camera. He gives many people strange, creepy vibes because of this extra quiet nature of his. He is only seen in one video – Mary Talbert, Otherwise he is behind the camera most of the time filming what we see. Many people feel that David has a kind of crush on Riley and she has put him in the friendzone. None of that is really shown in the videos beyond David constantly focusing the camera on her. It is never discussed that a crush exists or that Riley is not receptive. You see a lot of people projecting Hollywood stereotypes here, Quiet shy guy has a crush on the popular blond girl. 🙂
We know from Mary Talbert’s episode that he is the one that drives, has a car, and he is not ok with Peter getting in the car with his muddy shoes.
At the end of the school episode, the group charges out of the school in fright. Peter jokingly accuses David, asking whether he created the monster, and set up the prank to scare everyone to which David denies and responds that even if he tried, he couldn’t have staged it that well. This seems to imply they are not “working together” on something though.
We do know that Riley and David decided to start the Paranormal Paranoids and they invited the others, Peter and Laura, to join them. That would suggest that they are “closer” friends, but this is not really talked about or mentioned either. Perhaps David’s interest in film and Riley’s interest in the paranormal is all that got the thing started and off the ground.
David’s Last Name
Thanks to a local Ohio resident @RbrtHlms – we know that David’s last name is Reynolds. David Reynolds.
Meaning of the Name David
Like we have done for the other members of the Paranormal Paranoids David ‘s name is up next to see if there are perhaps any clues to be found.
David is an extremely popular male name. It is the second most popular name in the United States with tens of thousands of David’s being born each year. Approximately 1 in 28 Americans are named David.
David is thought to mean “beloved”. Again another strange name meaning from the group!
Thoughts on David Reynolds
Overall we don’t have a lot of information on David yet, so like Laura, it is pretty hard to give a good opinion on him. Because he is behind the camera we don’t get to see a lot of his personality besides the Mary Talbert episode. In that episode, we can see that he is pretty shy but speaks his mind clearly when he wants to be understood.
He is heavily used in many theories because of his creepy behavior towards Riley. Many others defend that and say it is simply because Riley is the star of the show. David also seems to wear similar clothes to the attacker in Riley’s Last Message.
None of this is proven though. All we can do is wait and see more of David’s story and how he is involved in the Paranormal Paranoids’ disappearance.